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    Why am I getting an error when tracking my delivery?

    Tracking is only available once the Delivery Route has been set by our team. This usually happens the night before your scheduled appointment.
    Please check back when you are closer to your scheduled date, if you are still unable to track your delivery, contact us.

    Will you assemble my furniture?

    Premium Delivery in our regular delivery area will include assembly and set up along with the removal of any packaging materials.
    Free Shipping does not include assembly, set up, or the removal of packaging materials.
    Sorry, but we do not wall mount mirrors, pictures, or televisions.

    What if my merchandise arrives damaged?
    Any damage must be reported to Customer Care within one (1) day after delivery and will require clear photographs to arrange appropriate services.
    For minor damages, Viva Furniture will provide in-home repair service. To send your claim and photos, email us on: with your order number on subject.